by the Past & Present editorial team
In late 2020 Past & Present published the Capitalism in Global History virtual issue. Edited by Dr. Andrew Edwards (Brasenose College, Oxford), Dr. Peter Hill (Northumbria University) and Juan I. Neves-Sarriegui (Wolfson College, Oxford).
They describe the purpose of the virtual issue in their introduction as:
“Through a selection of articles from the Past and Present archive, from 1954 to 2010, we suggest a set of overlapping ways of thinking through, and questioning, assumptions that have defined the history of capitalism on one hand, and global history on the other.”
Capitalism in Global History Blog Post Series
The Capitalism in Global History virtual issue grew, in part, out of discussions facilitated and enabled by the Political Economy and Culture in Global History reading group. In the run up to the publication of the virtual issue participants in the reading group wrote a series of blog posts covering a wide ranging and disperate array of topics, which reflected on how their thinking about matters of political economy, culture and global history had been shaped by participating in the group’s discusisons. The full list of these can be read below, their publication was co-ordinated by Dr. Peter Hill.
Series introduction by Peter Hill
An interest in international political economy by Mark Philp
The Government of Culture by Chihab El Khachab
Networks and blocs: metahistorical reflections by Peter Hill
From Imperial History to Global Histories of Empire: Writing in and for the 21st Century by Erin O’Halloran
A Global — and a Capitalist — American Revolution by Tom Cutterham
Time and the Economic by Andrew Edwards
Making Sense of Ideas in the Non-West: An Institutional Lens by Farida Makar
Our trusty friends? The place of technology in global histories by Eoin Phillips
Reappraising the Global: The Co-constructed Character of the Modern World by Juan Neves-Sarriegui
The new history of capitalism and the political economy of reproduction by Katherine Paugh
Political Economy and Culture in Global History blog series – a view from the terminus by Joanna Innes

Capitalism in Global History Banner Graphic, created by Oxford University Press 2020 all rights reserved, used by permission