New Year, New Look II

by Dr. Anna Bayman and Josh Allen, Past & Present

Spring is coming and we are excited to have launched our new cover this month. The results of our revamp can be judged below:

Past & Present 2017, all rights reserved

Past & Present 2017, all rights reserved

The new cover comes about after a very long time debating, and working through a great many different ideas. We wanted something which felt more up-to-date, but retained the P&P red and grey; and it was also designed to coordinate with our gorgeous supplement covers. Huge thanks to the OUP design team (who were immensely patient…!) they have come up with something we can be proud of.

Past & Present has, after all, long been known for its distinctive and consistent visual design.
As far back as 1983, shortly after we celebrated our thirtieth birthday, the eminent medievalist and Annales Director Jacques le Goff wrote that Past & Present was distinguished by:

“…[having] kept the same, very pleasant, small format… the same presentation and the same typography.”

So it was with all the best elements of this proud, formidable and distinctive tradition firmly in mind; that we approached refreshing the cover. We hope you like it.

Pixels not quite enough for you? Print subscriptions, (UK price currently £39 annually) can be purchased here. Individual issues and supplements can also be requested.

This blog post follows on from an earlier one looking at our new pages on Oxford Academic’s sparkling new website.

new logo

Past & Present 2017, all rights reserved

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