Programme and Registration Available for: “Organise! Organise! Organise! Collective Action, Associational Culture and the Politics of Organisation in Britain and Ireland, c.1790-1914”
Received from Dr. Naomi Lloyd-Jones (Durham) Dates: 20-21 July 2023 Location: Collingwood College Penthouse Conference Suite, Durham University and online Registration DAY ONE: THURSDAY 20 JULY 8.30AM – 9.15AM Registration (Lobby) and refreshments (Boardroom) 9.15AM – 10.30AM Keynote talk (Penthouse Suite Room A/B) Professor Katrina Navickas (University of Hertfordshire): ‘Practical representation and battles over locality: the importance of place in British popular politics in the long nineteenth century’ 10.30AM – 11AM Refreshments (Boardroom) NB: During this break the Penthouse Suite will be split into rooms A and B for the panel sessions 11AM – 12.20PM Panel Session One Panel 1.A (Room A) Politics and emotions Nicholas Barone (Princeton University): ‘“The indifference is the deadweight of history”: Apathy and British Radical Politics, 1790-1840’ Professor Matthew Roberts (Sheffield Hallam University): ‘Cobden, Peel, the Anti-Corn Law League and the Politics of Feeling in Mid-Victorian England’ Dr Laura C. Forster (Manchester University): ‘The political lecture tour in nineteenth-century Britain: activism, hospitality and intimacy on the road’ Panel 1.B (Room B) Politics of land Dr Lowri Ann Rees (Bangor University): ‘Protesting paternalism: the Rebecca Riots as a political protest movement in south-west Wales’ Dr Brian Casey (Durham University): ‘Michael […]