by the Past & Present editorial team
Our publisher Oxford University Press (OUP) have compiled a list of some of the most popular and salient history journal articles they have published this year. We are delighted that two articles-both open access-one from our February 2020 issue (No. 246), and the other from our May 2020 issue (No. 247) have been selected to form part of their “Best of History 2020” collection. They are:
“Slave Hounds and Abolition in the Americas”, by Dr. Tyler D Parry (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) and Dr. Charlton W Yingling (University of Louisville)
“Irish Cursing and the Art of Magic, 1750–2018”, by Dr. Thomas Waters (Imperial College London)
Congradulations to all three authors on their work being recognised and celebrated in this way.