from Dr. Alison Hudson (British Library)
Showcasing the latest research on Anglo-Saxon manuscripts
To coincide with the British Library’s Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms exhibition, the Library is holding a two-day international conference with papers by leading scholars in the fields of history, literature and art history. This will be followed by a one-day symposium for early career researchers on 15 December.
These multidisciplinary, international events will re-evaluate the roles and uses of writing, manuscripts and inscribed objects in early medieval England and beyond, during a period when uses of writing and writing technologies changed and expanded considerably. Papers will cover libraries and readers, objects inscribed in runes, highly illuminated manuscripts, literary manuscripts and documentary writing up to Domesday Book. The papers will place the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in wider geographical, cultural and political contexts. The conference will begin with a keynote lecture on ‘The European context of manuscript illumination in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, 600–900’, given by Professor Lawrence Nees, and will conclude with a second keynote lecture on ‘Exon Domesday, the English and the Normans’, by Professor Julia Crick.

Patientia talking to other virtues, from the Psychomachia, England, early 11th century, Cotton MS Cleopatra C VIII, f. 4r, copyright the British Library (2018) all rights
The conference will also include a private view of the exhibition.
Two-day tickets are available for the International Conference only, on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 December
Three-day tickets are available for the International Conference on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 December and the Early Career Symposium on Saturday 15 December
Keynote speakers
Lawrence Nees, Professor of Medieval Art, University of Delaware
‘The European Context of Manuscript Illumination in the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, 600–900’
Julia Crick, Professor of Palaeography and Manuscript Studies, Kings College London
‘Exon Domesday, the English and the Normans’
Sue Brunning, Curator: Early Medieval European Insular Collections, The British Museum
‘Saying Things: Anglo-Saxon Inscribed Objects in the British Museum’
Richard Gameson, Professor of the History of the Book, University of Durham
‘Copying Scripture at Wearmouth-Jarrow’
Helen Gittos, Associate Professor, Colyer-Fergusson Fellow and Tutor in Early Medieval History, University of Oxford
‘Canterbury’s Role in the Dissemination of Liturgical Rites in Later Anglo-Saxon England’
Michael Gullick, Independent Researcher
‘Across the North Sea: Anglo-Saxon Liturgical Manuscripts in Norway and Sweden’
David Johnson, Professor of English, Florida State University
‘The Transmission and Reception of Alfredian ‘Apocrypha’’
Catherine Karkov, Chair of Art History, University of Leeds
’Negotiating Difference in the Wonders of the East’
Simon Keynes, Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, University of Cambridge
‘The Canterbury Letter-Book’
Rosalind Love, Reader in Insular Latin, University of Cambridge
‘Back into Bede’s Library’
Rosamond McKitterick, Professor, Fellow in History and Keeper of Manuscripts and Archives, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
‘Links with Rome and the Franks in the Light of Some Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts’
Bernard Meehan, Trinity Medieval History Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin
‘The Corpus-Otho-Royal / Cambridge-London / Parker-Cotton-Wolsey Gospels’
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, Professor of History NUI–Galway
‘Durham A.II.10 — The Original Lindisfarne Gospels?’
Andy Orchard, Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, University of Oxford
‘The Uniqueness of Beowulf’
Susan Rankin, Professor of Medieval Music, University of Cambridge
’A Fleury Model for Singing at Winchester’
Winfried Rudolf, Professor for Medieval English Language and Literature, University of Göttingen
‘The Return of the Vercelli Book: New Observations on Its Italian Provenance’
Joanna Story, Professor of Early Medieval History, University of Leicester
‘Insular Art and Script in Carolingian Europe’
Francesca Tinti, Ikerbasque Research Professor, University of the Basque Country
‘Anglo-Saxon Travellers and their Books’
Elaine Treharne, Roberta Bowman Denning Professor of Humanities, Stanford University
‘Post-Conquest Old English Manuscripts from a Distance’
Immo Warntjes, Ussher Assistant Professor in Early Medieval Irish History, Trinity College Dublin
‘Willibrord: Harbinger of the Carolingian Renaissance’
Teresa Webber, University Reader in Palaeography, University of Cambridge
‘The lector and lectio in Anglo-Saxon England’
Jon Wilcox, Professor of English, University of Iowa
‘The Wolf Howls Twice: Wulfstan’s Writing and Scribal Repetition’

A calendar page for December, from a geographical and scientific collection made in England in the mid-11th century: Cotton MS Tiberius B V/1, f. 8v, copyright the British Library (2018) all rights resereved
Speakers at the Early Career Symposium, Saturday 15 December
Colleen Curran, Junior Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Oxford
‘960 and All That: An Earlier ‘Style’ of English Caroline Minuscule’
Robert Gallagher, Junior Research Fellow, St Cross College, Oxford University
‘Latin Verse and Book Culture in the Age of Æthelstan’
Louise Garner, doctoral candidate, Durham University
‘Underneath the Arches: Pigments in the York Gospels and the Wider Canterbury Context’
Alison Hudson, Project Curator, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts, The British Library
‘Laymen, Churchmen and Literacy around the Turn of the First Millennium AD: Multispectral Imaging of Æthelweard’s Chronicle’
Eleanor Jackson, Curator of Illuminated Manuscripts, The British Library
‘Consolation in the Labyrinth: A Picture Poem in Cambridge University Library, MS Kk.3.21’
Rebecca Lawton, doctoral candidate, University of Leicester
‘Papyrus, Performance, Prestige: Examining the Physicality of Papal Letters in Early Anglo-Saxon England’
Esther Lemmerz, doctoral candidate, University of Göttingen
‘Visualising Latin in the In Cena Domini Version in London, British Library, Cotton Faustina MS A IX’
Stephanie McGucken, doctoral candidate, University of Edinburgh
‘The Psychomachia in Late Anglo-Saxon England: Transmission, Adaptation, and Manipulation’
Alexandra Reider, doctoral candidate, Yale University
‘The Search for the Anglo-Saxon Poetic Codex’
Simon Thomson, Research Assistant, Ruhr Universität, Bochum
‘Scribal Interactions: The Communal Making and Remaking of Manuscripts in Late Anglo-Saxon England’
Jiří Vnouček, doctoral candidate, University of York
’The Parchment of Codex Amiatinus and Ceolfrith’s Bibles’
Christine Voth, Dorothea Schlözer Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Göttingen
‘Intellectual Professionals in Anglo-Saxon England: A Case Study of the Medical Manuscript London, British Library, Royal 12 D XVII’
The conference will also include a private view of the exhibition.
Two-day tickets are available for the International Conference only, on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 December.
Three-day tickets are available for the International Conference on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 December and the Early Career Symposium on Saturday 15 December.

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Past & Present is pleased to support this event and others like it. Applications are welcomed from scholars of at all career stages working on all time periods. Other sponsors aside from the hosting institution are The Polonsky Foundation, Patrick Donovan, The Association for Manuscript and Archive Collections.