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Alice Rio is, with Matthew Kelly, Editor of Past & Present. She is Professor of Medieval History at King’s College, London. Her research interests include slavery and unfreedom, law and legal texts, and the Carolingian Empire.

Matthew Kelly is, with Alice Rio, the Editor of Past and Present. He is Professor of Modern History at Northumbria University with research interests in modern British environmental history, including the history of policy development, national parks and the cultural history of landscape.

Renaud Morieux is Publications Editor at Past & Present. He is Professor of European History and Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. His key research interests relate to identity, migration, borders, maritime spaces, war and captivity.

Anna Bayman is the Associate Editor of Past & Present. Her research interests include seventeenth-century London and early modern popular literature, and she has recently published a book on the prose works of Thomas Dekker.

Lyndal Roper (Chair) is Fellow of Oriel College and Regius Professor of History at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include the early modern European witch craze, religion and gender in early modern Germany, and Martin Luther.

Steve Smith (Vice-Chair) is Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, University of Oxford. He specialises in the social history of 19th- and 20th-century China and Russia. He is currently working on a comparative history of Communist Russia and China.

Alexandra Walsham (Vice-Chair) is Professor of Modern History and a Fellow of Emmanuel College at the University of Cambridge. Her research is on Early Modern British religious and cultural history. Between 2014 and 2022 she co-edited Past & Present with Matthew Hilton.

Gadi Algazi is Professor in Medieval History at Tel Aviv University. His area of expertise is the social and cultural history of Medieval Europe.

John Arnold is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Cambridge. His work focuses upon popular religious culture, heresy and the inquisition, and popular politics in the pre-modern era.

Michael Braddick is a Fellow of All Souls College at the University of Oxford. His research interests include state formation and political culture in early modern Britain.

Paul Betts is Professor of Modern European History at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. He specialises in Modern European history, particularly twentieth-century Germany.

Patricia Clavin is Professor of International History at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses upon 20th Century European and global diplomatic history.

Deborah Cohen is Peter B. Ritzma Professor of the Humanities and Professor of History at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on global British imperial history, the family and emotions.

Celia Donert is Professor of Contemporary European History at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Wolfson College. Her research is on contemporary central European history.

Martin Dusinberre is Professor of Global History at the University of Zurich. His research is in the field of modern Japanese history.

Rebecca Earle is a Professor a the University of Warwick who works on early modern Spanish American and European cultural history. Her research especially focuses upon the cultural and political significance of food.

Flavia Xi Fang is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London interested in medieval China and the Silk Roads. Her research explores how smells were understood and employed for social, religious, and political purposes in eighth- to tenth-century China.

Ruth Harris is Professor of Modern History at All Souls College, University of Oxford. Her area of research is the cultural history of nineteenth and twentieth-century Europe, especially France.

Brodwyn Fischer is a Professor of History at the University of Chicago. She specialises in the study of cities, citizenship, law, migration, race and social inequality in Latin America and especially in Brazil

Matthew Hilton is a Professor at Queen Mary University of London. He is interested in the history of humanitarianism and the social and cultural history of modern Britain.

Lotte Francoise Maria Houwink ten Cate is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London with interests in intellectual and social history, and the history of sexuality. Her research examines 1970s feminist thought and praxis, and the transformation of intimate violence—in public perception, social science, and the law—from a private matter to a state concern.

Sarah Knott is Hillary Rodham Clinton Professor of Women’s History and a Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford. She is a scholar of early America and the revolutionary Atlantic world, her research focused on the intricate meeting of politics, culture and society.

Emma Hunter is Professor of Global and African History at the University of Edinburgh, interested in intellectual history and the global history of political thought, print culture and the history of nationalism and decolonisation.

Claire Lemercier is Professor of History at CNRS. She specialises in quantitative historical methods and the economic and socia history of 18th and 19th Century France

Stephen Lovell is Professor of Modern History at King’s College, London. His primary research interests lie in the social and cultural history of 19th and 20th Century Russia.

Su Lin Lewis is a Professor at the University of Bristol. Her research focuses on urban history, feminism, decolonisation, and transnational social movements, primarily in southeast Asia from the late colonial era to the Cold War.

Lamin Manneh is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London interested in Black diaspora, colonial politics, urban infrastructure and environment. My research examines Liberated African political formation in relation to wetland drainage and land reclamation in the post-emancipation era of British Gambia.

Noam Maggor is Senior Lecturer in American History at Queen Mary, University of London. He is a historian of the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a focus on the history of American capitalism.

Mark Mazower is Ira D. Wallach Professor and Department Chair of History at Columbia University. He specialises in modern Greece, twentieth-century Europe and international history.

Manuel J. Manu-Osafo is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London. His research investigates issues of power, politics, and hegemony in colonial Asante (modern-day Ghana) between 1890 and 1960.

Kathryn Olivarius is Associate Professor of History and Culture at Yale University. She researches the nineteenth-century United States, interested in the antebellum South, Greater Caribbean, slavery, capitalism, and disease.

Rana Mitter is ST Lee Chair in US-Asia Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School His area of expertise is twentieth-century Chinese history.

Anna Parker is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London researching central Europe, emotion, the home, and material/visual culture. She is interested in how psychoanalytic theory can illuminate the inner worlds of historical subjects.

Robin Osborne is Professor of Ancient History at King’s College, University of Cambridge. His area of research includes the political, social and economic history of Ancient Greece, and Classical art and archaeology.

Chase F. Robinson is Distinguished Professor of History at the Smithsonian Museum, Washington D.C. A historian of the pre-modern Middle East, he has written extensively about medieval Islamic society and culture.

Lucie Ryzova is a Senior Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History at the University of Birmingham. Her work focuses on the cultural history of modern Egypt with a particular focus upon popular culture and vernacular modernity.

Mrinalini Sinha is Alice Freeman Palmer Professor of History at the University of Michigan. Her work focuses on various aspects of the political history of colonial India, with a focus on anti-colonialism, gender, and transnational approaches.

Sujit Sivasundaram is Professor of World History and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius, Cambridge. His work fouses on global oceanic history, especially of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and the history of human – animal interactions.

Tonicha Upham is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London interest in gender. Working with Arabic and Persian geographical sources on the north, her research offers a comparative analysis of Islamicate geographical discussions of pagan rituals, customs, and practice which place discussions of Viking and Rus in a broader global context.

Angela Zimmerman is Professor of History and International Affairs at George Washington University, studying revolutions, political thought, imperialism and capitalism.

Judith Pollmann is Professor of Early Modern Dutch History at Leiden University. She specialises in the history of the early modern Netherlands and is currently interested in the memory of the Dutch Revolt.

Giorgio Riello is a Professor of Global History and Culture at the European University Institute. His research here focuses upon early modern material and consumer culture.

Alexandra Shepard is Reader in Early Modern History at the University of Glasgow. Her research interests include gender, material culture, work and social relations in early modern England.

Ana Struillou is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London, interested in all things material and mobile. Her work explores the movement of artefacts and commodities between the Ottoman and non-Ottoman Maghrib, the Iberian Peninsula, and the French Monarchy across the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Alice Taylor is Professor of Medieval History at King’s College London. Her work explores the social role and performance of the law in medieval British society between the seventh and thirteenth centuries.

Malika Zehni is a Past & Present Research Fellow at IHR, London investigating the dynamics between mobile individuals and emerging paper regimes in Central Asia during the turn of the twentieth century, her work highlights experiences of navigation, adaptation, and resistance amid shifting imperial landscapes.
2024-26 Fellowship Holders

Flavia Xi Fang is a historian of medieval China and the Silk Roads. Her current research explores how smells were understood and employed for social, religious, and political purposes in eighth- to tenth-century China.

Manuel J. Manu-Osafo is a historian of Asante (in present-day Ghana, West Africa). His research investigates issues of power, politics, and hegemony in colonial Asante between 1890 and 1960.

Anna Parker is a historian of central Europe, emotion, the home, and material/visual culture. She is interested in how psychoanalytic theory can illuminate the inner worlds of historical subjects.
2023-25 Fellowship Holders

Lotte Francoise Maria Houwink ten Cate is a historian of modern Europe, with interests in intellectual and social history, and the history of sexuality. Her research examines 1970s feminist thought and praxis, and the transformation of intimate violence—in public perception, social science, and the law—from a private matter to a state concern.

Lamin Manneh is a historian of West Africa with interest in Black diaspora, colonial politics, urban infrastructure and environment. My research examines Liberated African political formation in relation to wetland drainage and land reclamation in the post-emancipation era of British Gambia.

Ana Struillou is a historian of the early modern Mediterranean, interested in all things material and mobile. Her work explores the movement of artefacts and commodities between the Ottoman and non-Ottoman Maghrib, the Iberian Peninsula, and the French Monarchy across the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Tonicha Upham is a medieval historian with a particular interest in gender. Working with Arabic and Persian geographical sources on the north, her research offers a comparative analysis of Islamicate geographical discussions of pagan rituals, customs, and practice which place discussions of Viking and Rus in a broader global context.

Malika Zehni is a historian of trans-border migration, imperial boundaries, and bureaucratic governance in Central Asia. Investigating the dynamics between mobile individuals and emerging paper regimes during the turn of the twentieth century, her work highlights experiences of navigation, adaptation, and resistance amid shifting imperial landscapes.